Network Marketing Income - 5 Tips to Triple Your Network Marketing Income and Quadruple Your Results

Targeted Focus is Critical - To be successful in your business, you must focus but targeted focus comes from a lot of work. Start by trying to focus for 10 minutes and once you do that, you can move onto greater levels. Soon it will become a habit to increase your focus and you will train yourself to break through to higher levels.

Be Proud of your Business - The key to being successful in a Network Marketing Business is to be proud of your business. If you care not proud of your business, then you must ask yourself why you are in the business or, more importantly, why you are not proud of things that you are involved with. This is an issue that you want to make sure you address.

Work from Abundance - I am always afraid that I am running out of time. Starting Saturday night, I start worrying about having to go to work on Monday morning. To steal some more time, I will get up early on Sunday morning to give myself the feeling that I have more time. There are only 24 hours in a day but how your mind perceives this time can be very different.

Take Risks and Make Mistakes - We are taught from a very young age not to make mistakes. This training has been very nervous and very cautious in our actions. This can be very dangerous. Almost any mistake that does not kill you can be corrected easily.

Clean your Desk to Clean your Mind - I find that when I get a mental block, doing a little cleaning always does the trick to free up a little mind space for myself. I am not suggesting that you spend the whole day cleaning, but if you can do a little bit of cleaning you may find that your mental capacity can increase a little bit to get you over the finish line.